CODAH aims to make existing work mutually visible. A lot of interesting work is going on here at Swansea University, in the zone where computation meets the humanities and arts and social sciences – but we don’t know what. People are working in parallel universes still, despite the successes of SURF and Bridging the Gaps. Opportunities for cross-disciplinary fertilisation are being missed.

I just applied for some university funding for a CODAH event. On the form, I summed up what CODAH ‘covers’ with some examples of current projects, like this:

  • socio-political data analyses   (e.g. digital civics, blog text/language/discourse analyses)
  • media present and future   (e.g. audiences, citizen journalism; Human-Computer Action: FIT Lab)

It’s a disparate list – but that’s fine. It says a lot about my own limited view.

Would like to invite others to blog here, and I will blog about projects if you notify me.