Bob Laramee – lunchtime talk

Bob Laramee – lunchtime talk

Tuesday, February 24 at 12:00 in the Surf Room, Fulton House:   Dr Bob Laramee (Swansea) Adventures in Information Visualization: An Interactive Talk Our ability to collect and store data is unprecedented. Our ability to derive knowledge from it remains limited.  Data...
CODAH seminars Feb-May 2015

CODAH seminars Feb-May 2015

All in the Surf Room, Fulton House, on Tuesdays at 12:00 (February 10, February 24, March 10, March 24) February 10:    Dr Kasia Szpakowska (Swansea) Digging into Demons: The Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project Database  In this presentation I will provide an overview...
word2vec revolutionises geography

word2vec revolutionises geography

Google Research’s word2vec tool, quoting from, “provides an efficient implementation of the continuous bag-of-words and skip-gram architectures for computing vector representations of words.” It produces some...
CODAH meeting 18 November 2014

CODAH meeting 18 November 2014

Surf Room, Tuesday 18 November, 12 noon – 1pm & 1pm – 2pm. Tom Cheesman and Bob Laramee will present their work on visualising variation in a collection of German translations of Shakespeare’s Othello. This work has excited interest from Brazil...